12 Week 1:1 Mentorship for the woman ready to tell her story + create her impact

Your personal brand is a sacred space for your self expression + creative freedom

For the women who have a story to share that will inspires others.

For the women who challenge the status quo + shatter glass ceilings just to prove it can be done. For the women who leap + thrive in the unknown.

I created this space for you. To help you be seen, heard + recognized so you can be well paid + well loved for being authentically you as you embark on your impact journey and create your legacy.

Your story could become somebody else’s survival guide.

Your creative gifts deserve to be seen. Your wisdom deserves to be heard. Your creativity is meant to inspire others.

In 12 weeks you will have a story that will inspire millions of people all over the world

Your unique life experiences aren’t just for you - they are stories that become beacons of hope for others to know what is possible when they choose a different path. You might think you’re too different or too out of the ordinary to build a following or loyal community - but I promise you - your quirks, your unconventional ideas and your unique perspectives are exactly what somebody else is waiting for. 

You are the way you are because somebody else needs to see you be who you truly are. 

You don’t need a million followers to build a personal brand.

You don’t need to be a celebrity to share your story.

You don’t need to be famous to inspire others.

You simply need to be courageous enough to share your truth regardless of what others think.

Your truth is the ticket to freedom for others, and more importantly

- your own self expression.

Shakti Society Includes:

  • Align with your Higher Self

    Express your heart + soul in a safe space and learn how to tap into your flow of consciousness. Clear your energetic blocks and align your mind, body + soul

  • Weekly Coaching Calls

    Practice your message, tweak your confidence and be fully seen as your authentic self so you can attract your audience organically. I will teach you strategy to building an authentic community and attracting soul aligned opportunities.

  • Monthly Content Plan

    We will work together to practice your message, find unique ways to share your content and tweak as needed so you can connect with your target audience and dream brands

  • Confidence to share your truth

    Become the woman that levels up everyone and everything around her through her frequency. Unlock your true essence and shine your radiance with others

Every woman needs a PERSONAL BRAND

  • Freedom to shift towards what feels more aligned for you in the moment

  • Outgrow versions of who you used to be and take your community along your journey with you

  • Ability to change your mind about your business or career direction or take time off from work altogether

  • No more fitting into a box - freedom to express all of who you are + who you are becoming

  • Stable foundation of revenue, community support + power to not settle for misaligned opportunities

  • Be the version of you who you dream of being - your platform is YOUR sacred space to express your creative freedom 

  • Lastly, you are allowed to live your life TO THE FULLEST because you have full freedom to make more money, work from anywhere in the world and be loved by your community no matter what

Unlock SUPER you


Using my signature framework : Unlocking “SUPER” You

  • Self Discovery - Journaling + Exploration to unlock your subconscious

  • Understanding - Connect the dots to remember who you truly are

  • Purge - Let go of what no longer serves you and rewrite your narrative

  • Execute - Choose differently and rewire your subconscious thoughts + feelings

  • Rise & Shine - Become the woman you came here to be + share your magic with the world

  • Mindfulness techniques for creativity and problem solving

  • Balancing being and doing in your creative practice

  • Overcome blocks and achieve flow state

  • Develop your own daily creative ritual

  • Practical steps for bringing ideas and projects to life



Who is this for?


Non-Fiction + Fiction writers. Whether you’re working on a book or building a writer’s community on substack/medium - let us help you build your platform so you can get a book deal.

Content Creators

You’re not an influencer - you’re an impact leader. We help you build an authentic community - with strategy + best practices to grow your audience without trends or silly dance videos - unless that’s your jam!


You have theories + interests that need to be shared. Come learn how to launch your own podcast and share your voice so you can connect authentically with the people who resonate with your message.

Thought Leaders

Whether you want to be seen as an expert on LinkedIn or in your community - we’re here to be your support group to help you share your wisdom so you can be recognized for your expertise and shine as a sovereign leader.

Public Speakers

The stage is where you SHINE - let us help you tweak your message + build your confidence so you can connect with the right audience + blow them away with your energy + aura.

Change Agents

Want to be seen in the press for your revolutionary ideas + actions? We help you get top press coverage so you can lead a movement and shatter glass ceilings while living your best life!

Hi, I’m Sana

I’m here to guide you to your next level.

I spent most of my career climbing the corporate ladder and became an HR executive at a tech startup in New York City before 30. On paper, I made it. But deep inside - I felt completely unfulfilled. I knew I was on the wrong path, but I wasn’t sure what was next for me. I just knew the life I was living was not it.

So I began a morning pages practice which led me to the greatest journey of my life.

In 2019, my husband and I sold everything and traveled the world for a year. This experience changed my entire outlook on what it means to be rich. Rich isn’t just about money - it’s about relationships that serve our spirits, communities that support each other’s growth and sharing our creative gifts to inspire others.

In 2020, I created my first business - Friendship Club - a community for New Yorkers to have fun without the snooze fest of professional networking. It’s something I’m very proud of + it has over 3,400 members.

In 2021, I felt a deep intuitive pull to be alone. So my husband and I decided to get our own apartments in New York City - a story that went viral and was published in The New York Times, Business Insider and we were invited to ABC Studios to be on The Tamron Hall Show + Good Morning America.

I became the leader of a movement called, “Living Apart Together” - simply because I chose to listen to my own intuition over my ego’s fears of “What will people think?!” and I was able to inspire women all over the world to make their own rules.

Now I’ve built a thriving community on social media, started my podcast, speak on stages and mentor women to take leaps of faith to follow their own heart’s callings.

Ready to begin?

Join Shakti Society



12 week 1:1 mentorship

Weekly coaching

3 month content plan

Confidence in your impact

Clarity in your purpose

Connection with your audience