Can you reach your full potential while being married?
Can you reach your full potential while being married?
This episode goes back to the beginning of my journey so you can see how many leaps it took for me to truly heal, grow + become my highest self while being happily married.
In this episode I chat about:
Balancing growth while thriving in love
Creating space to find out who you are + why you’re here
Getting radically honest about your triggers + wounds so you can take your power back to heal
Leap towards fear to expand and grow
Self awareness is just your ego, you need to integrate + embody it into the body for true growth
Balancing your sense of self with a relationship
The more you choose yourself, the more the universe blesses you
The purpose of a woman is to co-create with the universe - babies, ideas, art, etc.
Spirituality can heal your mental health
The road to bliss is through the journey of self actualization so you can get unstuck + get creative to build the life YOU want.
You have one life + one planet, don’t waste your time suffering. Figure out how to enjoy your time here to the fullest.
You can unlock unlimited dimensions and thrive in the love frequency.
& so much more!
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